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Become a Certified Creative Legacy Specialist

Your very own "Business in a Box!"

A career as a Creative Legacy Specialist can become a full time profession or part time avenue to bring you extra income each month. How do you know if this specialty is a good fit for you? Start with your personality, your likes and dislikes, the time you can devote to this new craft. The nice part is that you can choose. 

Whether you are looking to dive in and begin a business of your own... or pick up one client per month to help you pay a few bills... helping others preserve their family history could be exactly the right fit for you. 

Can you relate to any of the requirements?

Friendly, Kind and Considerate

It's important to care. Many of your clients will be seniors who are looking to tell their stories but need the guidance and support to accomplish this. It's important to be interested, empathetic and positive when working with your clients. They are embarking on a journey to review, reflect and detail their stories, thoughts, wishes, dreams, memories and experiences. Navigating their project takes a warm and caring heart.

Professional and Motivated

It's important to brand yourself as a professional in the field whether diving into a full time practice or as a side gig. Many times it's a family member who will hire you. First impressions count. You want the individual and their family to know, like and trust you before your sessions begin. You will need to build your brand, big or small, so that you create a reputation in the field, therefore, bringing in new clients. 

Take Charge, Plan and Follow Through

Thinking outside of the box, planning, implementing and follow through is extremely important. It's important to be committed with a client. Your scheduled sessions with them should be a priority. Are you accountable? Are you a leader? Is it easy for you to have great conversations with others? Do you have the ability to re-direct the conversation should your client be derailed in their thought process. Being comfortable with all of this is necessary to ensure timely and efficient sessions with your client. 

Important Skills to Have

An efficient laptop is necessary. Are you computer savvy enough to use Zoom or to learn the platform? How are your writing skills? This is a must! You'll need to be able to create and design their story with the information you are given. You don't have to be a professional writer, however, you need to be clear, concise and engaging to the reader. Are you open to learning a new software platform? Are you organized and willing to learn about marketing your new endeavor? Are you willing to learn new skills along your journey?


Creative Legacy Specialist in your own business!

* Your business will not feel like work! It will fulfill your life in ways you can't measure!

* You'll make your own schedule and times - mornings, afternoons, evenings, weekends... It's up to you!

* You'll be educated! Your world will open up hearing the history and stories of your new clients!

* No matter your age... your business will be one you can work throughout your life, because YOU'LL WANT TO!

* If you ever decide to move... you can! Your business can be taken with you no matter where you live!

* You'll set your own price points for your projects, the sky's the limit!

* You'll be able to spend more time with your friends and family doing the things that matter the most to you!

* You are filling a need, providing for your community and enabling them to leave a lasting treasure for generations!

* You are making an impact in the world and creating history for families where there wouldn't have been before!

* You have the freedom to work as you please therefore having more control over your life!

* Along with so many other reasons... YOU WILL LOVE AND BE PASSIONATE about your chosen profession! 


Click Here to Connect and Begin Your New Journey


* 5 Hours of uninterrupted, one on one training via Zoom with a personal Creative Legacy Specialist.

* Learn the necessary components to becoming a professional Creative Legacy Specialist.

* Learn about the benefits of in-person sessions vs. Zoom.

* Learn and utilize all the necessary tools and free software necessary to build your business.

* Learn about the conversations, questions and techniques to utilize in your sessions with clients.

* Learn the business basics. Everything you'll need to have your business up and running quickly.

* Learn about the marketing tools that you can use to promote your business and attract new clients.

* And so much more!


* A complete Power Point presentation to host presentations, both online and in-person to attract new clients!

* Complete word document package of questions and prompts to complete an entire legacy project!

* Framed Certification Certificate to display!

* Two half hour follow up Zoom sessions within 3 months to review and ask questions!

* The knowledge and tools to begin building your business... tomorrow!

* A Contract to provide your client at the onset of your work together.


Everything you see here will be included in 5 Hours of one on one personal instruction, coaching and then some. You'll get the support and guidance you need to feel confident in becoming a Creative Legacy Specialist. 

This personalized training will give you the confidence to move forward in your new adventure.


There will be additional services after your training should you want to expand your business and take it to the next level.

TOTAL COST FOR THE 5-HOUR Personal Certification... 

Introductory Special - Only $1,497.00 (Limited Time)

*Note - This introductory price of the certification will be retrieved with only ONE client!

Contact us to schedule your 5 Hour Personal one on one training for certification. 

Discounted cost of certification will expire February 28th, 2023 and revert to the original ($2,500. Value)

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